We have exciting boarding updates for 2024! We have listened to our clients and country boarding has returned as of December 1st 2023.
For 8 years we cared for your dogs out on our 160 acres, at home. With the move to a city location April 2022 we moved boarding in as well. After 18 months in the city we have learned that dogs just do better off of concrete and gravel, out in the grass and fresh air! We no longer have a city option for boarding as we feel that it's not what's best for our guests.
Our country location has two cabins, one for boarding kennels, the other an indoor space for room to play, train or treadmill during the coldest days, the icy days, or the very hot days in the summer. Both cabins are heated in the winter and air conditioned in the summer. We are taking very limited numbers so that dogs get plenty of one on one attention, and can enjoy a quieter environment. Both cabins are only steps away from the house, situated on our personal property. We have two very large outdoor pens to run and play, as well as four smaller outdoor pens for our tiny boarders, or dogs that need a little space by themselves once in a while. All country boarding drop offs and pick ups are to and from your door, or we can meet at our city location. This is our home as well as the kennel, and with a young family, livestock, and a strong guard dog in the yard we aren't able to accomodate people being in and out of our property.
Price and booking link below!
***Just so you know!!***
New clients with large breed dogs are our #1 request, and it may take a while for us to fit you in. Why is that? We only take one (or one family) of large breed new clients at a time. Large dogs can
be the most challenging if they take a while to settle in, and we are comitted to keeping a peaceful kennel. With multiple new large dogs at one time they can get each other stressed more with
barking and general unsettled behaviors. So we make sure that nearly all our boarders are familiar dogs to help ease the transition of new ones. As such our availability to accept large breed new
dogs is limited, and not available for long weekends or stat holidays.
-Dogs must be good with new people and other dogs
-Dogs can not be fence jumpers or climbers, our fencing is 6 foot high
-Past and current clients get priority dates for boarding
-Boarding dogs take part in group play and need to be good with other dogs of like size
-Dogs must be crate trained as they are crated for meals, sleeping, and travel to our country kennel. Dogs that damage crates or doors on crates will require us to call
you, or your emergency contact, for immediate pick up.
-You must supply food for your dog for the duration of their stay. You can also send a small bed or blanket from home if you wish. Do not send bedding if your dog shreds,
destroys, or swallows it and do not send anything big or bulky as we need to be able to fit it in a standard washing machine.
-We administer medication at no extra cost
-You do not need to send toys or dishes
-There is no small dog, second dog, or extended stay discount.
-We do not offer cat boarding.
1 & 2 Night stays are $47.00 per night.
3+ night stays are charged a daily rate of $31.25 per day, drop off day is considered a day.
Friday drop off, Saturday pick up = 1 night, $47.00 + gst
Friday drop off, Sunday pick up = 2 nights, $94.00 + gst (2 nights at the nightly rate equals the same as 3 days at the daily rate)
Friday drop off, Monday pick up = 4 days is $125.00 + gst
Friday drop off-Friday pick up = 8 days and is $250 +gst